Wow! Finally... a new post! Been busy lately. Thanks for checkin' back...and thanks for the comments!!! I'm trying to think of a funny anecdote like everyone else does on their BLOGS, but I can't think of a damn thing!!! So check out the stupid drawings!
I totally dig your finely-tuned sense of cutesy-weirdness!!! Great blog logo character, not to mention a great blog name. I suppose you noticed I was a fan since your blog's in my list of links...
Do you work on a show?
I'm currently freelancing as an illustrator in NYC, but I'm also the background artist for a new kid's puppet show tv program. It's fun.
Mark Ackland! wow..long time. Stacey was nice enough to show me some of the Gruesomestein shorts and I thought they looked great. I think he's selling bootleg copies in India. the drawings on this site...genius.
Hey Masrk, That IS a funny wiener, indeed. thanks for the laugh. Your posts raise the bar on just how naturally silly and creative drawings can be. Love your stuff! Hope all's going well on the day job!
Hey, thanks for the compliment on my illos.
I totally dig your finely-tuned sense of cutesy-weirdness!!! Great blog logo character, not to mention a great blog name. I suppose you noticed I was a fan since your blog's in my list of links...
Do you work on a show?
I'm currently freelancing as an illustrator in NYC, but I'm also the background artist for a new kid's puppet show tv program. It's fun.
that dudes got a funny wiener
These are awesome and so original. Yay!
Hahaha, these are great. Especially the second one.
That bear on a bike is the greatest thing ever, Mark. You should make into a t-shirt or something....I know I'd wear that!
Thanks for the fun fix, Mark! More goodness from you, I agree with Donnachada, love the second one. It has a littel Searlesque feel to it.
your style is the most awesomest style in the whole world. srsly. I would love to see some of these characters animated!
Your illies are crazy fun and soo good. Keep up the soopernessosity:)
Thanks folks...
I would love to have time to animate some of these characters...the closest thing to my stuff animated is in the Gruesomestein shorts...
"Supernessosity" is my word for the day!
i'm with leo...i want a shirt with the bike bear too...great stuff!
These drawings are AWESOME!
Mark Ackland! wow..long time. Stacey was nice enough to show me some of the Gruesomestein shorts and I thought they looked great. I think he's selling bootleg copies in India. the drawings on this site...genius.
Hey Masrk,
That IS a funny wiener, indeed. thanks for the laugh. Your posts raise the bar on just how naturally silly and creative drawings can be. Love your stuff! Hope all's going well on the day job!
Uh, that'll be 'Mark'...So, you can come over to our blog and typo our names too if you like.;0)
i've never heard fun described so aptly. I love your drawings!
I can't believe no one dug the transvestite in the chair. He's hot.
cute! I like the bear so much!
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