My pal
Jared Deal invited me to be part of an art show in New York at "Live With Animals" art gallery which he is curating. The theme of the show is "Shady Characters", so I put together some...well, shady characters. Below is a sneak peak. Some may question whether or not these characters are ACTUALLY shady, but I figured anyone coughing up blood is probobly a good person to steer clear from. These are obviously digital, but the final versions will be completely made of felt, construction paper, japanese paper and googly eyes. I know some of the colours do look a little funny in these images and contrast weird...that's a result of me trying to match the colour of the felt and construction paper as close as possible in photoshop...things actually stand out better on paper as opposed to these digital images. And yes, for those who care...that is Jugle!!! well, a young version of him anyhow. Not sure which colour version of him I like the best. I always pictured him as the orangey yellow version, but I like how the bluey version seems to glow on that background.
Enough rambling!!!
If you wanna see the show, the opening reception starts Friday July 28th at the "Live with animals" art gallery. Here's the address...
210 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

these are soo cute!
i love them!
i LOVE these!!!
Brilliant! Blood and rock dude.
sweet (and shady) designs.
hi-f*#ing-larious! very shady indeed
ha! rock on! these are fantastic!!!
That skunk is the best! Will the entire show be available for viewing at the gallery's site?
These are awesome! Hemophilia never looked so good.
I hope Small Wonder can save your butt on the arts & crafts tip...
Go to the opening! You should. Work can wait...Ted can hold the bag for awhile.
pure gold dude
thanks folks...I'm super nervous about putting this stuff together! I may break a nail, or get dirt on my hands!!!
Chris...I have no idea if the gallery will be on the gallery's fact, Idon't think they have a site yet! As far as I know, it's a fairly new gallery.
Warren...Small wonder did help me out! she gave some names of some great fabric shops in Toronto that I am going to check out.
Unfortunately I can't go to the show. My wife's family will be in town for the week, and I wanna play with the neices!!!
nice work - jugle does look good in blue
Excellent use of blood. I love it!
Awesome! They are spitting blood!
shee man!! you really know how to rock it. Damn. Love the blood.
These are so very very much fun, and don't break a nail, Mark. Thanks, cause you've made today so much more interesting! The blood looks good against blue Jugle.
Amazing stylings my good man!
Wow! Amazing colours!
WOW!! I love these, especially the skunk! This show sounds SOOOO cool.
Hey, Any way I can enter something as well? Just one piece? Pleeeeaaaaaasssseee. I live in NY, to, so I'm definitely going to the opening. I would LOVE LOVE to be a part of something like this!
Great job!
oh darn..those are just soo cute...!!!
Very nice stuff u got here!
Thanks again, Mark! I'm so excited for the show!!!
hi....good stuff..
Wow. Are there no limits to what you can do?! These are beautiful.
Thanks everyone. I've gotten through one so far, and am almost through the second. I hope to have all three done by tonight. I will try to post some pics.
Wow, can't wait! Great Stuff!
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