Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Gruesomestein's Monster's...

...Hey y'all. Look what's on You Tube! "Gruesomestein's Monsters!" For those of you who don't know, a couple of years ago, myself and my partner in crime, Riccardo Durante, co-created, co-wrote, co-designed, and co-directed this series of animated shorts. Check 'em out!!!


paublo said...

what the eff..WHY isn't this a series!?! so freaking good!!!! i want them on DVD

Hobo Divine said...

The Worst Date is still my Favorite! Probably because the style is so consistant and funny!!!!!! Just like Yogi Bear!

Joe did an awesome JOB

YO!!!!!!! JOE!

geenpool said...

holy sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepdogs!!! These are scrumbdiddlyumptious. I agree with Paublo....dvd. I'd like to place my order now. love the pissed witch. damn.

Dagan Moriarty said...

I am STILL blown away at how GREAT these designs are!!!... REALLY brilliant stuff!
I 2nd that... this show should be a series on a major network!!!
just plain fantastic!...
...i'm off to watch them ALL...

Anonymous said...

I love these shorts!
yeah you tube!!!

Rex said...

these are AWESOME & FUNNY!!!!

Dave Dick said...

Awesome stuff! I definately buy this if it went to dvd! So funny!

Benjamin Arcand said...

WOW!everything's perfect...
characters design , BGs, stories & beautiful & effective limited animation.

Your fan,

JustMe said...

These are AMAZING. You are so gifted and lucky...I love the writing and the character designs and the backgrounds. I especially loved the rivalry between Russell and that owl! Hilarious!!!

the doodlers said...

Great stuff of course!! Love the worst date. Love them all.

Congrats on the Yin Yang Yo debut too, Mark. Sounds like it went very well!

Mark Ackland said...

Thanks a lot folks! I've been wanting to posst them for a while. They were so fun to work on and I would love to do some more at some point.

MikeS said...

Love them all too but THE WORST DATE is the fav for me as well!

Kudos on the animation as well!

If you are going to series, I'll board on it any day of the week!

Michael Helmer said...

deadly,positively deadly

too bad the cartoon machine won't push them harder to get them picked up as a series

Mega said...

i remember seeing the one with the witch on ytv about a year ago, and thinking , whoa , this is it. thank you for posting these up mark, it was a treat to be able to see them all.

murrayb said...

Nelvana has pure 24k gold on a shelf here. It would (SHOULD!) be a huge hit as a series.

Barx said...

Cartoons that are funny!!!!
Great designs, expressions, timing, animation.....outstanding.
I agree with Smook on two points-The Worst date was my fav....and secondly they look like a lot of fun to storyboard!

Barx said...

...changed my mind....Russell's Tussel is my fav,...hilarious.....
......ah hell, they're all great.



Mukpuddy said...

Man I can't say it enough, these shorts are soooo freakin great!! Is there any chance it could be a series?!?

Man of the House said...

This stuff is great! Why have I never seen it before?


Jav said...

Steve Lambe turned these onto me a while back...
absolutely gorgeous... and very funny...
Quite awesome indeed... Love em.

Cliff Mitchell said...

Mark, these are simply great shorts!

Ridd Sorensen said...

ive waited so long to see these, and i must say they're even better than i thought they'd be! great work.

JustMe said...

Sure miss your posts...you gotta' put up more of your cool stuff!

Heath said...

Mark!! Man, I love these! I want this on tv every night!

Instead of dinner and a movie, my wife and I had dinner and Gruesomestein's Monster's. We laughed our heads off!

Great stories, very funny timing, and the best use of limited animation I've seen in awhile! I hope we can see more in the future.

Kyle Marshall said...

Awesome films!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mark,

Nice work! Not sure if you remember me at all. I was one of the few students you had at Studio M. It's great to see you're still at it making jaw dropping work.

Rånny said...

i hope you'll post sometime soon ;) I miss your delightful art posts.

ahmed said...

بخ مبيدات ؟ إن البيئة النقية والبيت الجميل الأنيق مطلب حثيث يعمل على إليه كل طبقات المجتمع ومما لا يوجد شك فيه أن كلاً منا على المجتمع يحاول أن جاهداً لأن يقطن في حياة كريمة عن طريق بيئة نقية شاغرة من المنغصات والأذى والأضرار بعيداً عن الحشرات والأوبئة , والجميع يعرف أن الحشرات وأمثالها من النمل والصراصير والقوارض من أكثر المنغصات التي تلحق الأذى بالانسان سواءً على سلامته أوصحة أبناءه أو على صعيد سلامة البيت وتوابعه , ومن هنا يجيء دور مؤسسة ” كوالتي ” لرش المبيدات التي تحاول بكامل فريقها وخبرائها إلى تقديم مختلَف وأجود الخدمات للقضاء على إشكالية الحشرات وقد أثبتت على نطاق عديدة سنين مقدرتها الفائقة وجدارتها في ذلك المجال الأمر الذي جعل لها السبق والتقدم والتميز في سوق الشغل السعودي وتلك الكفاءة لم تجيء من فراغ ولكن بواسطة عدد من أسباب التفوق والمهارة وهي :
شركة الانوار لمكافحة الحشرات و رش المبيدات
شركة مكافحة حشرات بالمجمعة
شركة رش مبيدات بالمجمعة
ما معنى مبيد حشري جهازي

kopi.J said...




Thank you .